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Hi! I'm Amanda. 

I am a thirty-something wife to my high school sweetheart, and mom of two.  

I am a newborn/baby/child photographer located in Northern Indiana, Elkhart to be exact.


I have always had this love for photography. I remember visiting my great-grandma and every time wanting to look through her photo boxes. She had a million, and I would sit there and sort through them for hours. Each photo in the box was attached to some sort of story she would tell us and I think thats where my love grew into a passion. I love that one simple moment frozen in time has so much emotion and meaning to so many people.


I attended Indiana University and received my Bachelor of Arts: Communications. I was one of the lucky ones who got a job right after graduation and while I loved the crazy fast-paced life of working in radio and TV once I found out I was pregnant with my daughter everything changed. After they place this little baby in your arms, you never want to leave its side again. You want to spend every waking moment just starting at their little squishy face. So in 2011, the idea of Amanda Seabolt Photography was born along with my daughter.



  • I am a thrift store and garage sale junky.

  • I'm also an online shopping addict. Our UPS man knows me by name and visits almost daily.

  • I LOVE to craft and make stuff. 

  • Baking is my stress relief, because who can be stressed when you have 12 dozen chocolate chip cookies to eat?

  • I love myself a good crime show, but can't watch them when I am home alone. 

  • 90's boy bands are my jam, make fun of me if you must! 




 BGraves Photography

© 2017 by Amanda Seabolt Photography All rights reserved.


T: 574-606-1777




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